Thursday, December 13, 2012
Monday, December 10, 2012
Dubstep Face
Came to mind from listening to Piano Tune VIP by Bar 9.
The parts where the bass drops I suppose is where I see this face come in.
Drawn in various layers in Photoshop. Imported as a comp in AE. Animated the pieces, added the effects I needed, then exported the video. Converted the video to stills, chopped up the animation, rendered the 'remix', open the video in Photoshop. Saved for web as a looping gif. Hopefully the animation creeps you out slightly. Maybe, maybe not I guess :)
Drawn in various layers in Photoshop. Imported as a comp in AE. Animated the pieces, added the effects I needed, then exported the video. Converted the video to stills, chopped up the animation, rendered the 'remix', open the video in Photoshop. Saved for web as a looping gif. Hopefully the animation creeps you out slightly. Maybe, maybe not I guess :)
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Gray Girl
Hmm. Dunno what to say.
I see a lot of cool digital paintings every day online, and I wanted to give it another go I guess.
Amputee girl.
Photoshop 5.1
Prints available here.
I see a lot of cool digital paintings every day online, and I wanted to give it another go I guess.
Amputee girl.
Photoshop 5.1
Prints available here.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Decided to try branding
everyday stuff, like air! So this is a really thin typeface to imitate
how air almost seems like nothingness. Also very transparent to play to
that same note.
Done in illustrator.
Free for anyone to use however they wish. If you do use it, link me to your work if possible. I'd love to see.
Done in illustrator.
Free for anyone to use however they wish. If you do use it, link me to your work if possible. I'd love to see.
Go here to download the full size image.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Made these logos with the song Honey by Erykah Badu in mind.
Done mostly in Illustrator. I like the honey colours and the sexy sleek typeface. I think it's a sexy piece. I feel like especially the last one has a perfume vibe.
Done mostly in Illustrator. I like the honey colours and the sexy sleek typeface. I think it's a sexy piece. I feel like especially the last one has a perfume vibe.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Sailor Moon Logos
If you've seen some of my past posts you probably can tell I enjoy Sailor Moon. Decided to tie a little design work into that passion with the little logos below. Silhouette version done in Illustrator. Bottom version done in Illustrator and Photoshop.
With some type
Some soft colors
Thought the golden color was very symbolic of Serena
With color palette similar to the original logo's
If you'd like to download larger versions of them, check out my Sailor Moon gallery on my DeviantArt.
sailor moon,
sailor scout
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Just an interesting note, studying anatomy from real people, not cartoons or illustrations, is always a good thing. It helps you have a real understanding of joints and proportions. After you have that foundation then you can start distorting to your liking, instead of learning from something that's already distorted.
Often when I'm drawing a female I'll look in Victoria's Secret catalogs for references because when you combine poses you can get interesting stuff, and since they're in underwear you can see the folds in the skin and the muscle.
Prints available here.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Animu Gurl
So a friend and I were trying to draw the most stereotypical anime character we could think of . This is what I came up with.
So my character, let's call her... Poki-Chan, what the hell, why not.
So anyway Poki-Chan is like 12 or 13 or 14, whatever, and she's in space police academy, and this is the official female uniform. Of course the male uniform is legit full coverage but this is the girls'.
And Poki-Chan is an airhead with a good heart, like Sailor Moon, so she trips over herself a lot.
And her earrings are also their communicators. And her boobs are awesome cause she's in space police academy in space. So ain't no gravity to weigh them down! And she's got a headband thing that'll expand down with glass to scan stuff and such. And her little side bag, who knows what's in it. Maybe a stupid furry sidekick. Anyway, so Poki-Chan in in space police school when a space war breaks out, so even trainees have to join in to fight, and Poki-Chan becomes the leader of her group somehow (Starship Troopers style?).
Yeah. Whateva whateva I do what I want.
fun idea I came up with today. So while they're all in their space base, Superman getting kicked in the crotch by Wonder Woman and Batman giggling in the background XD
Yeah, yeah, man of steel. However Wonder Woman is strong as hell too. She stopped one of those nuke things on that ape planet from exploding with her bare hands and letting it land on herself (Dat ep was so cute! Batman was all like 'Diana! No!' and tried to dig her out of the rubble himself. She was fine. Just pushed the bomb off her and went on her merry way.)
So basically, even though Superman is... well, Superman, a kick in the balls from Wonder Woman, I'm sure he could feel.
You can think of whatever scenario you want for her to be that upset. Hope you lol!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
So umm... When I don't know how to do something in Photoshop, I do it in After Effects Drawn and colored in Photoshop. Imported as a comp into AE, added some effects and lights, trimmed the comp length to 1 frame, then exported as tiff sequence. Brought back into Photoshop for some finishing touches.
I'm trained as a time-based artist so I'm going to use that as my excuse.
Tried a lot of new stuff with this piece so it was good finding out new things. I look at other people's art then if there's something that looks really cool that I find applicable to something I'm working on, I try to figure out how to achieve the look myself.
So subject tilted, have the nice light halo effect, and if you zoomed in really close you could see the lines are shades of the color of that area (kind of like how Spongebob's lines around his face are not just black lines--they're colored to match him). Obscured the lights in the back, added a handful of lights in AE, added that dark blur thing around the edges. I think that really made it actually. Originally I thought the piece was finished without it, but for whatever reason I added it and it looks so much better.
Above is just a small WIP image. Nothing fancy.
I'm happy with how this turned out :) I think I'm improving.
Oh so this piece is titled Spill after the song by Showoff. It's kinda the theme song of my life at the moment.
This is how I feel about choo:
I've suffered everything. You think you feel the same. If you ever want to be with me then think again.
I don't care if you need me. I've questioned everything.
Let me tell you what I say:
Honey, I know it all, still you wonder if I stand or if I fall.
Honey, I. Won't. Take. The. Spill.
Prints available here.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Trying to see how much I can say without showing full figures. I think this one says a lot for Sailor Moon fans.
Illustrator + Photoshop
Hope you enjoy
Illustrator + Photoshop
Hope you enjoy
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Chibi Ryoko!! Yay!
Chibi Ryoko! My favorite Tenchi character. Put the final version + basic color png in case you peeps are grabbing images cause pngs can be nice with their transparencies and all.
Ryoko is the kind of girl I like in media. She, like Tifa (who I also like), and Ken M (Zone of the Enders) is not just a hot chick with nice tits. She's strong, strong willed, independent, and pretty. Yes, her boobs are great, but she's more than that. She's the total package--brains, beauty, and quite a personality.
Monday, November 12, 2012
The Fight
While studying animation and video I learned that the foreground was supposed to be darkest, and things get lighter as you go back in storyboard. This is how you delineate foreground, middle ground and background. Seemed to work here though.
You can use your imagination as to the story behind this.
Ref photos:
You can use your imagination as to the story behind this.
Ref photos:
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Gurren Lagann's Yoko looking cute and feverish on some sheets.
Gainax is great. Though admittedly I've not seen everything they've backed, what I have seen I've really enjoyed. Neon Genesis (the original version) has been my favorite anime since I was in middle school.
Anyway, yeah, so same bathing suit kinda top, but in a more underwear form, with matching panties!
Gainax is great. Though admittedly I've not seen everything they've backed, what I have seen I've really enjoyed. Neon Genesis (the original version) has been my favorite anime since I was in middle school.
Anyway, yeah, so same bathing suit kinda top, but in a more underwear form, with matching panties!
Super Sailor Venus
Mina! Looking cute as usual.
Mina is one of those people who's prettier than she gives herself credit for. Once she's transformed she gets more self confidence. It's nice to see her become more comfortable with herself throughout the series as well (like Lita).
Here's the original sketch I did:
sailor moon,
sailor scout,
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Unnamed Super Girl
Random drawing of a super girl (the idea here is that she's levitating). Getting more into Super Heroes everyday so it seems! Prior to this year I was near exclusively more of an avenger kinda girl. I don't mean Avengers, just people that were driven by vengeance instead of the urge to do and protect what is good and right. I'm big into Ghost Rider. Ghost Rider comics are currently almost the majority of my Western comic collection.
So DC peeps, notice that Cadmus is in
the Justice League animated series from the early 2000's as well as
Young Justice? Remember that episode with the 'heroes' that were created
by Cadmus for the purpose of being heroes the government could control?
Then, obviously, Project Cadmus is a big part of the Animated Young Justice series.
Just kindda funny the League encountered Cadmus before... But that's the magic of cartoons. Weee! Just thought I'd mention that. I'm not a big Justice League cartoon fan, but whatevs.
Then, obviously, Project Cadmus is a big part of the Animated Young Justice series.
Just kindda funny the League encountered Cadmus before... But that's the magic of cartoons. Weee! Just thought I'd mention that. I'm not a big Justice League cartoon fan, but whatevs.
Anyhow, after drawing the girl above, I was really happy with her and wanted to delve into fleshing her out
more. Not a complete character sheet or turn around, but gives a good
idea nonetheless.
Just to throw another JY animated series thought out there,
anybody realized that so far whenever the Young Justice team is executing a maneuver, it's always Maneuver 7? If that's the one they usually use, you'd think it would be Maneuver 1... Forgive me if this is addressed in the comics.
If you dig what you see, you can view it larger here.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Yo. So as you probably don't know, I have not drawn anything like this for a while. It had been, well, years (check my deviant art if you're interested in seeing similar stuff from da past).
Anyhow, so I drew this. Twas a good way to spend my time I think.
30 days of Halloween why must you draw to an end...
Anyway, as usual, if you'd like to see it larger click here.
Anyhow, so I drew this. Twas a good way to spend my time I think.
30 days of Halloween why must you draw to an end...
Anyway, as usual, if you'd like to see it larger click here.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Dat Nightwing Ass
Lol! So I was drawing a buncha small Nightwing sketches and decided to enhance it with a little color and digitalization.
So Dick Grayson is my favorite superhero. I hadn't had a favorite superhero (cause I don't count Ghost Rider as a hero. He's more avenger than hero honestly...), but now I do!
And I say Dick Grayson instead of Nightwing cause even in his non-hero persona, he's still a hero. Plus him with any of his aliases, he's still da best.
He's a good person with pretty much unwavering morals, he's incredibly reliable and dedicated, he's a great role model/brother/father figure. He's pretty much the epitome of what a hero (and good person) should be.
Batman molded him into a better Batman than he is. He's more than just a sidekick and protégé.
(plus his butt is... awesome. Oh, them acrobats.)
So Dick Grayson is my favorite superhero. I hadn't had a favorite superhero (cause I don't count Ghost Rider as a hero. He's more avenger than hero honestly...), but now I do!
And I say Dick Grayson instead of Nightwing cause even in his non-hero persona, he's still a hero. Plus him with any of his aliases, he's still da best.
He's a good person with pretty much unwavering morals, he's incredibly reliable and dedicated, he's a great role model/brother/father figure. He's pretty much the epitome of what a hero (and good person) should be.
Batman molded him into a better Batman than he is. He's more than just a sidekick and protégé.
(plus his butt is... awesome. Oh, them acrobats.)
See them larger here.
Best Dick quote I've heard recently:
We can't step into that most hallowed and forbidden no-man's land without closing our eyes.
(Batman and Robin are trying to catch Catwoman, who is trying to be the world's best dressed woman. However, she rushes into a women's dressing room and talks to herself about how Batman and Robin will not dare step into that hallowed no-man's land. Luckily Batgirl does, going into pursuit of Catwoman alone, as Batman and Robin eventually come to the conclusion to enter the room and stumble blindly around covering their eyes in the dressing room. It's awesome to enjoy something so much that you litterally laugh out loud. :) )
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Probably my favorite reoccurring subject. Here's some sketches of Kenlokurai from the past few months. As usual, if you want to see larger versions, check out the drawings here.
He's currently in his early twenties. Very sensitive, very empathetic. Tries to be very true to his morals and not resort to violence.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Spacey sci-fi girl yawning.
Inspiration from Ken Marinaris cause she's cool (and Dingo too of course). Big boobed bimbos in cartoons, comics, anime, and video games are pretty trite. However, I don't really have any qualms with curvacious female characters that can handle their own, like Ken or Tifa or Starfire.
Photoshop 5.1
Pillows and more available here.
Inspiration from Ken Marinaris cause she's cool (and Dingo too of course). Big boobed bimbos in cartoons, comics, anime, and video games are pretty trite. However, I don't really have any qualms with curvacious female characters that can handle their own, like Ken or Tifa or Starfire.
Photoshop 5.1
Pillows and more available here.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Doodle Dude
Done in Photoshop 5.1
Fun doodle dood.
It's funny, when I was young I'd draw all these crazy elaborate outfits and now that I'm older I find myself sometimes having no ideas for clothing. Wawawa.
Many times when I draw I find myself creating pieces like some painters who have to paint the skeleton then muscle then skin then clothes, building up all those components even though with the final product you only see the top layer.
Whatevs. Peeps just have different processes and whatever works for you works for you.
Prints available here.
Prints available here.
Random Girl Bust
Drawing of random cute girl. Yup. Top one done with .7 and .5 mechanical pencil. Bottom done with .7 mechanical pencil, acrylic, and color pencil. Twas fun to try not drawing the whole figure for a change. Very calm compared to what I usually make...
Prints available here.
Friday, October 12, 2012

So here's another photo manip kinda thing (photo manipulation is the best way to describe it that I know of...). Unrelated comment, I really really like Legend of the Guardians, the owl movie. Just thought I'd put that out there...
Like it? Want to buy it? Click here!
Friday, October 5, 2012

Wanted to try some stuff with photo manips. Thank you goes to NASA for making so many awesome pics available to the public, many many of them without copy write restrictions. Definitely something I don't usually do, but it was fun and I like the look for a first try. Want to do more!
Like it? Wanna buy it? Click here!
Monday, October 1, 2012
Super Sailor Chibi Moon

Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Plan for a chalk drawing of an octopus I'll be doing. Needed to get the
color and size down. Planning on it ending up being 4'x4' irl. Had to see what color chalks I need.
It's weird. I don't usually create art of animals. But when I do, it is often a red octopus. Hmm... Was I an octopus in a past life?
Sunday, August 5, 2012
A Small Collection of Awesomeness
I haven't ever posted stuff created by other people on here, but I came across Rosa today and had seen some other cool stuff, so I felt I had to share it. Basically Rosa was the last straw that made me feel like I had to tell the world! So in the spirit of appreciating, recognizing, and sharing amazing stuff, please check out the works below:
Made by ONLY Jesús Orellana in ONE YEAR!
So not only is it amazing in itself, but to be done by just one person in such a short amount of time, I felt I had to recognize this piece.
Next up is the opening for Exaella.
Interesting fusion of Russian and Japanese talents.
I also want to mention Sintel.
The reason this short film is important is that it was made using Blender, a free piece of 3D modeling software. Lots of people think 3D is time consuming and expensive and unreachable by the common man. Sintel is great just because it says otherwise. Yes, animation of any kind is time consuming, but programs like Blender make it so anyone with a computer and dedication that want to animate can animate. *As a side note, if you're a traditional 2D animator like me, Pencil is a free 2D animation software. If you've heard of Digicel or Toon Boom Animate, then you'll be able to figure out Pencil.
The last work I'm going to point out for now is African Tales.
This is an animated film composed of a collection of... African tales! (What a suprise)
The animation is not the best, and it seems it has been a while since this group has been active, but I really really enjoyed the character design and the choice to do a more cell shaded approach in the film. You can check out the cool character in the TransTales shop at their website:
If you liked this stuff, let me know. Maybe I'll post more of other people's work in the future.
Made by ONLY Jesús Orellana in ONE YEAR!
So not only is it amazing in itself, but to be done by just one person in such a short amount of time, I felt I had to recognize this piece.
Next up is the opening for Exaella.
Interesting fusion of Russian and Japanese talents.
I also want to mention Sintel.
The reason this short film is important is that it was made using Blender, a free piece of 3D modeling software. Lots of people think 3D is time consuming and expensive and unreachable by the common man. Sintel is great just because it says otherwise. Yes, animation of any kind is time consuming, but programs like Blender make it so anyone with a computer and dedication that want to animate can animate. *As a side note, if you're a traditional 2D animator like me, Pencil is a free 2D animation software. If you've heard of Digicel or Toon Boom Animate, then you'll be able to figure out Pencil.
The last work I'm going to point out for now is African Tales.
This is an animated film composed of a collection of... African tales! (What a suprise)
The animation is not the best, and it seems it has been a while since this group has been active, but I really really enjoyed the character design and the choice to do a more cell shaded approach in the film. You can check out the cool character in the TransTales shop at their website:
If you liked this stuff, let me know. Maybe I'll post more of other people's work in the future.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Part of my Project Playlist, art inspired by and created while listening
to only 1 chosen song repeatedly. This drawing was done for the song Intolerance by Tool. Ooooh MJK, your voice is amazing!
Done in Photoshop CS 5.1
See it larger here.
I let the style be more sketchy and unpolished that my usual pieces cause I just loved the original shape of the face (see below). This is actually more reminiscent of my style in the early and mid teens.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
My partner in crime, meebub, told me about this show Madoka Magica, so I started to doodle. And then this came out! See it larger here.
So I don't usually do line work in a color other than black, but I'm happy with this selection. I'm not the biggest fan of the show, but this was fun to draw. Has nice action sequences. If I were to transform into some magical person though, I'd not want to be put in one of their frilly outfits.
If I had to pick between anime I've been watching lately, I'd put Bastard!! before this one.
So I don't usually do line work in a color other than black, but I'm happy with this selection. I'm not the biggest fan of the show, but this was fun to draw. Has nice action sequences. If I were to transform into some magical person though, I'd not want to be put in one of their frilly outfits.
If I had to pick between anime I've been watching lately, I'd put Bastard!! before this one.
Friday, July 27, 2012
2012 Olympics Begin!
Doesn't really have to do with art, but I'm a big fan of the Olympics so I felt I should say something:
Good luck to everyone! Go, Team World!
2014 Winter Olympics in Russia (Sochi)
2016 Summer Olympics in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
2020 Summer Olympics current candidates are Turkey (Istanbul), Japan (Tokyo), and Spain (Madrid)
Good luck to everyone! Go, Team World!
2014 Winter Olympics in Russia (Sochi)
2016 Summer Olympics in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
2020 Summer Olympics current candidates are Turkey (Istanbul), Japan (Tokyo), and Spain (Madrid)
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
The Toilet
Here, have some lols:
My latest video piece. Most excellent, I feel, because it makes me laugh.
I knew those hobbit ears would come in handy one day!
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Here's my final piece for Hitoshura. This is my first completed Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne fanart. I'm happy with how it came out. See it larger here. Also in case you're interested I also have the basic color blocking while the piece was a WIP shown below.
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