Thursday, November 1, 2012

Unnamed Super Girl

Random drawing of a super girl (the idea here is that she's levitating). Getting more into Super Heroes everyday so it seems! Prior to this year I was near exclusively more of an avenger kinda girl. I don't mean Avengers, just people that were driven by vengeance instead of the urge to do and protect what is good and right. I'm big into Ghost Rider. Ghost Rider comics are currently almost the majority of my Western comic collection.

So DC peeps, notice that Cadmus is in the Justice League animated series from the early 2000's as well as Young Justice? Remember that episode with the 'heroes' that were created by Cadmus for the purpose of being heroes the government could control? Yeah.
Then, obviously, Project Cadmus is a big part of the Animated Young Justice series.
Just kindda funny the League encountered Cadmus before... But that's the magic of cartoons. Weee! Just thought I'd mention that. I'm not a big Justice League cartoon fan, but whatevs. 
Anyhow, after drawing the girl above, I was really happy with her and wanted to delve into fleshing her out more. Not a complete character sheet or turn around, but gives a good idea nonetheless.

Just to throw another JY animated series thought out there,
anybody realized that so far whenever the Young Justice team is executing a maneuver, it's always Maneuver 7? If that's the one they usually use, you'd think it would be Maneuver 1... Forgive me if this is addressed in the comics.

If you dig what you see, you can view it larger here.

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